⚢ lesbian movies
Here are some free lesbian movies (or movies with lesbian characters in them) i have come across. most of these are of the older variety but I can say that I have seen the majority of them and can attest that they are definitely worth watching. Many of these due to their age rely heavily on subtext

*if anyone has any reccommendations of films to add to the list you can send them to my cbox on my homepage !

Girl In Uniform (1931)
Girl With Hyacinths ‘Flicka och Hyacinter’(1950)
Mädchen In Uniform (1958)
The Children's Hour (1962)
Therese And Isabelle (1968)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) - this movie embarassingly is my lesbian awakening
Le Rempart des Beguines (1972)
The Cherry Orchard (1990)
The Watermelon Woman (1996)
Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997) Sub & Dub
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Musical Comedy 'ミュージカル・少女革命ウテナ’ (1997) - reccommend watching this after watching the series
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena '少女革命ウテナ アドゥレセンス黙示録’ (1999) - reccommend watching this after watching the series
But I'm a Cheerleader (2000)
Kamikaze Girls 下妻物語’(2004)
Yes or No อยากรัก ก็รักเลย (2010)
Yes or No 2 รัก ไม่รัก อย่ากั๊กเลย (2012)
Rafiki (2018)

Horror (Mainly vampire flicks)
Dracula's Daughter (1936)
Cat People (1942)
Emotion '伝説の午後=いつか見たドラキュラ'(1966)
The Vampire Lovers (1970)
Lust for a Vampire (1971)
Daughters of Darkness (1971)
Vampyros Lesbos (1971)
Vampyres (1974)
Living Dead Girl (1982)
Possibly in Michigan (1983)
The Moth Diaries (2011)
All Cheerleaders Die (2013)